Ken Does a Chin-Up
October 10, 2005 -- From A Life in Progress--Part One

I did one chin up today, just now actually. I was wondering what I would write about today, and now I know I can write about my one chin-up. For the last few days I have been working up to it. Years ago I could do about ten, but I have not kept it up in any way, shape or form. I have always liked the idea of having a bar around that I can hang from or lift myself up on once in a while. Life takes us through strange twists and turns and the situations that seem so permanent at one time in our lives, at other times are not evident at all. For example, I used to do mostly physical outdoor work. Then later on I did a lot of office work. The body did not fare so well during that time. My favorite is to do both physical and mental work.
I used to do 20 pushups. Now I would be lucky to do five. Well, let me try and I'll get back to you in a minute...
Yeah, five, that's about it. I could have done a few more if I had really, you know, struggled. But five seemed plenty. When I did the first push-up there was a loud cracking sound in my arms. Something in my arms was not used to doing push-ups. If I had not challenged myself here I would have worked into the push-ups more gradually. That would have been a good idea. Not long ago I found that it seemed good to do partial push-ups, what's it called, a cobra pose? It seemed more natural for the body.