
Ken Drummond, March 15, 1999  

My wife and I love to eat vegetables and certain sensitive people who come to visit...Uh, where was I? Oh, yes, we cook them until they are tender and spice them up nicely and enjoy them greatly. We ask our visitors to remove their hats and coats and then while my wife distracts them with pleasant conversation, I begin cooking. Certain unwary guests don't realize what I am about as I chop celery and other items to garnish the main course. Then, sometimes just as they believe they are about to leave, we pounce on them. Many an uninvited or unknowing guest has been carried away to dinner at our table with a pleasant unsuspecting smile, having no idea at all what the fare is to be. I especially enjoy giving them a little tour of the pantry and kitchen while my wife will often knock them over the head with a proud display of cooking utensils.
Certain hard to please guests are sometimes dispatched quickly as we do not like to waste time with those who would not appreciate our intentions. But on the whole, everyone who comes is taken aback by our hospitality and we can sometimes involve them in our culinary preparations though they are often greatly surprised at the final results of the meal.
Soon the steaming victuals are ready for the palate. What visitor could not feel gratitude for being a part of such a lovingly prepared repast?