Response to the Southern California Fires
   John Jalkanen  Oct 24, 2007

The predominantly ex-military and business mid and upper class hard working men and women who plan and implement emergency response in So Cal had a complete system in place to receive state, fed and international aid of all types; military, firefighters, supplies, fema, money, medical etc. The aid came before the papers were signed, literally.

To determine our own evacuation needs I was glued to the tube watching press conferences every hour with Arnold et al and I noticed how efficiently and systematically they put in place evacuations and evacuation routes. By deploying police and fire personnel to keep the routes open at all costs, they made certain that the way was clear for as long as it would take to evacuate each community. The military precision was evident.

The business sense to pre create entities to receive the largess that is available for the asking created a smooth inflow of aid and an honest, competent, ‘willingness to serve’ attitude prevailed.

Our community based local systems for sheltering the tens of thousands were pre planned and communications through the city, county, state, and federal agencies were efficiently transmitted to the next layer. Communiqu�s didn’t fall through the cracks. Facts about routes, fire locations- down to the streets and cross streets were disseminated to the media in a way that prevented rumor and misunderstandings. There was never a sense of panic or desperation.

On the first day the local TV stations showed the state insurance czar who came to the podium and said 2 things:

1. You will be treated fairly by your insurance companies.

2. Our fraud investigation units are in town and ready to prosecute to the max.

Then the sheriff and police chief said 2 things.

1. We have zero tolerance for looting.

2. We will protect your homes, so don’t be afraid to evacuate when called.

They weren’t kidding. Though all ethnic neighborhoods were evacuated, only 2 people were arrested as of this morning. They deployed 35 man security squads into each evacuated area. These guys are clear on what the job is and how to get it done.

As planned, during the first evacuations the county supervisor called the SD Grocers Assoc. and gave them addresses to deliver their donations to.

Royalty. This is how evacuees described their receptions at shelters large and small. The well trained volunteers received evacuees as though on a red carpet. Every necessary and unnecessary necessity was provided.

This is now the model for excellence.