Let Us Imagine…
Ken Drummond,  2003

Let us imagine a wonderful land: A land of joyous devotees communing with God in nature, beautiful gardens of shade and sun, of breeze and stream and misty spray, of pools and meadows. A land of devotees who love and help one another and reach out in love and joy to all the world around them. Each serves out of a spirit of loving gratitude, each contributing enthusiastically to the good of all, each according to his special skills and passions.

The outdoor environment has nooks and shelters, caves and passages, huts and dwellings, chapels and sanctuaries, kitchens where all good things are kept--to help sustain the physical vehicle. There are trees and bushes with luscious fruits, all kinds of vegetables, nuts, and grains--all good things of nature tastefully prepared and shared with all who come.

There are quiet places and gathering places for fun and for meditation.

No one expects anything of anyone else, but each supports and encourages the other to attain his highest self. There is understanding and forgiveness. There is helpfulness and concern. There is a passion for growing all together, helping each fellow child of God along the way.

Healing is through love for no ill health can exist in a state of joyous acceptance of all that God brings to us. In nature we grow strong in moving our bodies in tune with the cosmic rhythm. Ever satisfied with the overflowing bliss of Spirit, we are free from cravings for things we cannot have, for we have all that fulfills us, all that brings contentment. We are peaceful beings in a land of sunny days and cooling breezes. Dipping often into quiet meditation we are constantly aware of the inner sustaining power. Our joy is sustained; our love flows naturally to all.

Restless striving is forgotten. A balance of physical, mental, and spiritual draws ever closer. A joyous smile comes readily to our countenance. Guru's image appears effortlessly to our inner gaze. His ever-guiding presence is ever with us. Feeling no separation from his loving guidance, we feel him ever by our side.

A secret, knowing understanding is shared with each soul we meet. We search for souls from whose gaze our beloved may have momentarily slipped. We prostrate ourselves before them that they may draw strength from us, that they may be healed.

Dipping again and again into the depths of blissful inner communion, we live in the land of deepening understanding, of absorption in the ever-healing balm of Spirit.

We create an ideal world of progress for all, of love and healing for all. We come together in mutual understanding and strength, so that we may be a support to an ever-widening circle of solace-seeking children of the one eternal Beloved.