The Moon Catches Up to Mars
October 19, 2005

Sometime today the moon will catch up to Mars. I saw the moon gaining on the planet last night and I know it will happen sometime this morning and when we look into the sky tonight the moon will be to the east of Mars instead of to the west as it was last night.
Out here in the desert such events are news. I am always looking up to the sky to see what the moon, planets, and stars are doing. The stars don't change perceptibly, but the earth is always rotating and revolving, so that makes a difference in the view from hour to hour and as the seasons progress.
A few months ago I got several emails saying that Mars was going to be brighter than it has been in thousands of years. According to the emails this was to occur in August. Unfortunately the emails were two years out of date. This event already occurred in August of 2003. At that time I was looking up at the sky and beholding Mars in its bright red splendor. Those who saw the email and passed it on, probably have an interest in observing the sky, but have not actually done it enough to know what is going on.
Some of the emails had photos of Mars and the moon next to each other. The photos were sized so that the planet and lunar body appeared to be the same size. The caption was something to the effect that Mars was going to be so prominent in August that it would rival the moon in brightness. Could readers of that email really have thought that Mars would grow so large that it would seem the size of the moon.
As Br. Carl used to tell me when I said something that was by his estimation outrageous, "You worry me!"
It does seem to be cause for concern when I receive so many emails with incorrect and even outrageous information. Does it mean that we don't think about what we read? Or does what we read really not register in our brains? Or is it that we don't have much knowledge of certain subjects so just assume that what other people say about these subjects is correct?
I know that the Internet and email are fairly new events in our lives, and we all go through a learning curve. At first it is a new mysterious world. After a while an understanding comes that we have a responsibility to ensure that we pass on correct information.
Oh well, we live in an imperfect world. Perceptions of reality are colored according to the predispositions of each individual. I think it would be a good idea to get together and discuss different things about the world we live in, to share some experiences of nature and the world around us. At least them maybe our illusions could be in common. A consensus of delusion, so to speak. However I think that by combined exploration of truth we have a much better chance of approaching reality.
The night sky is indeed brilliant out here in the desert. So many things I missed as a young person. I did look at the sky once in a while but I didn't find anyone to point out the different constellations. Now that I have learned a few of them, and how they sweep across the sky in different patterns, a whole new world is opening up to me.
Our educational system falls down in so many ways. I have been and still am in rebellion against the general education that most of us have to go through. We do not learn basic things about the world around us, nor do we learn basic life skills, nor the deeper meaning of what life is about.
I am trying to get a handle on integrating what I have learned about the nature of reality, so that I can present it to others in meaningful ways. To this end I have started the Fun and Joy University. I hope I can join with others who have similar ideas so that we can revolutionize the way that we and our children perceive the world and especially the way that we perceive ourselves. We have all the information available to us. It is a matter of making it available to everyone in ways that connect with the reality of their lives.
I hope you will be able to come out to the desert where we can look at the stars. There is a lot to talk about, a lot to think about, a lot to manifest in new ways.