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I don't mind getting something once in a while, like maybe the Christmas letter, but I prefer not to get all this other stuff.

Okay, send me stuff from time-to-time, but not every day, okay?

Ken, what you have been sending is cool, and I'll let you know if it starts to fill up my mail box too much.

Ken, yeah, I like getting the stuff you have sent so far.

Ken, this is really cool and I enjoy reading your stuff.

Please keep me on your mailing list.

Keep up the good work. It is fun to get your stuff. Although I don't really read it, it is nice to hear from you anyway, and know that you are still alive or something.

Ken, the stuff you are sending is pretty awesome, and here is a small donation to help you keep doing what you are doing, whatever it is--not sure exactly.

Ken, yeah, you are cool. Here's five bucks. Buy yourself a coffee or somethin' man.

Hey Ken, here's ten (or 20) bucks. Can you get a haircut, and maybe a shave, dude?

I have lots of money and I know that you can use some, so here is _________ to help you with your career.

I have a rich aunt and she has way more money than she knows what to do with. She has like, millions. So here is a cool million dude. I know that you will put it to good use.

Ken, as you know, we are in control of billions of dollars and we like what you are doing. So here is $1 billion dollars to get you off to a good start with what you are doing--whatever it is. Signed: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, et al.

Kan: I am foreign potentate and head of rich country with unlimited oil resources. After consultation with foreign ministers, decision has been made to hand over wealth of entire kingdom for you to use in your community projects, funny (ha ha) humor, and whatever it is you do. (What is that anyway?) Respectfully, we request that with billions we will send you, if you can please reserve small cottage or hut (maybe several) for myself and various courtiers, etc. Keep up the good work funny, man.

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